Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration
Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration (MAPC)

The Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration is a joint venture of the Delaware, Maryland, National Capital Area, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia Chapters along with the Chesapeake Bay Program, Maryland Department of Planning, Maryland Planning Commissioners Association, Rural Planning Caucus of Virginia and West Virginia University's Land Use and Sustainable Development Law Clinic. The intent is to address topics that may be of interest to people involved in planning at all levels across multiple regions.
The Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration was formed in the midst of the pandemic in 2020 to help bring planners together across geographical borders who might be dealing with similar issues. The Collaboration has grown from its initial eight members and welcomes participation from any interested persons or organizations in sharing ideas and effective planning tools to the mid-Atlantic region.
MAPC Webinar Series

APA Virginia is thrilled to help in hosting webinars in the MAPC Webinar Series. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming webinars in 2024!
Prior presentations in the Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration's webinar series are available through the Collaboration's YouTube page. Offerings may be available for CM credits - review the comments section for the CM event number and the duration of the credits' validity.
Upcoming in the MAPC Webinar Series:
January 30 | 12pm-1:30pm
Topic: Affordable Housing [More information coming soon!]
Previous presentations have included: